A MAN who was repeatedly stabbed by his son has told how he feels lucky to be alive as his attacker starts a prison sentence of more than five years.

Ryan Love, 22, knifed his father after threatening to sit him in a chair, slit his throat and chop off his head, Teesside Crown Court was told.

The drama unfolded after Love visited his dad at his Darlington home in the early hours of March 7, said prosecutor Emma Atkinson.

He was left with blood pouring from his wounds, while his son calmly walked away from the scene and left him to raise the alarm himself.

Miss Atkinson said: "He realised the extent of his injuries and knew he had to get to a telephone, because if he didn't and passed out, he may not survive.

"There was a large amount of blood. The defendant went from being in a frenzied state to being calm quite quickly. He left the flat and left the knife."

Love's father suffered six stab wounds to his arm and chest, and lacerations to his face. The injuries were stitched, and he had a CT scan on his head.

In a statement made immediately after the incident, he said he did not feel angry about the stabbing - but did about being left alone without help.

Later, he said the crime has had a severe impact on him and his family, has found it traumatic, and feels lucky that his injuries were not more serious.

Love admitted wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, and was jailed for five years and four months. He was also served with a restraining order to keep him away from his father, and several streets in Darlington.

Judge Simon Bourne-Arton, QC, told him: "Whatever the motivation that may or may not have existed, there is no justification for what you did."

Ben Pegman, mitigating, said Love was suffering from post-traumatic stress symptoms at the time of the attack, and has a "complicated psychiatric history".

Mr Pegman told the judge: "He is unwell and there is some speculation in the medical report as to why he might have been in that state at that time.

"He accepts he will be in custody for some time and will have to access the support and help which will be available. He will do that as soon as possible."

The court heard how violence erupted in the flat at about 4am after Love turned up to talk to his father, but became "agitated and aggressive".

Miss Atkinson said he picked up a mirror and threw it across the room, then began punching the living room door, before pulling out the 12-inch knife.

He told his father, who initially thought he was messing about: "I'll put you in the chair, slit your throat and cut your head off. No-one will find you for weeks."

Love started stabbing the kitchen door, and his dad turned his back on him, before feeling a sharp blow to the back of his head, Miss Atkinson said.

He was hit in the face and stumbled, before his attacker got closer, and issued the same threats, but by now he seemed a lot calmer, she added.

Mr Love said "come on, then, do it" which made his son "explode", said Miss Atkinson, punch him in the face and seemingly stab him in both arms.

The victim crunched down into a ball to protect himself and felt several more sharp pains across his shoulders, the prosecutor told the court.

Judge Bourne-Arton read psychiatric reports which said Love, of Humber Place, Darlington, is borderline personality disorder and has emotional behavioural problems.