PATRONS of a town’s pubs and clubs dug deep to help people affected by the Manchester terrorist attack.

The suicide bombing, after a pop concert at Manchester Arena on May 22, left 22 dead and more than 100 injured- many of them children.

Manchester City Council and the British Red Cross launched the We Love Manchester Emergency Fund for victims and families.

Spennymoor resident Pete Molloy raised £636.58 for the fund by collecting in pubs and clubs in the town and surrounding villages on Saturday, May 27. His three children also donated their pocket money.

He said: “I would like to thank those pubs and clubs that allowed me to collect, John Dryden and Alan Jones for opening the sealed buckets and counting the money, Spennymoor Town Council for loan of the collection buckets and most of all everyone that donated.”

The money was presented to Maryanne Slater, manager of the charity’s in Spennymoor, on behalf of the fund.