AN intruder stabbed a man to death as he lay in bed, before calling the police to ask for a lift home, a court has heard. 

Daniel Johnson used his victim’s mobile telephone to make the request, which was refused, after repeatedly plunging a kitchen knife into David Wilson, 49, whose body was found inside a flat in Southwick Street, Sunderland, Newcastle Crown Court was told.

During the call, he said: “I don’t have a clue how I am getting home. I live in Gateshead. ... I’ve been to a houses party and have missed the last Metro.” 

Mr Wilson died of blood loss after being stabbed several times on December 14, 2014.

The prosecution alleges Daniel Johnson got into the flat using a key stolen from the victim’s partner.

The 20-year-old later returned to his home in Mulberry Gardens, Gateshead, where he allegedly confessed to a woman that he had been in Sunderland and had stabbed a man in the neck with a knife from the kitchen.

Robert Smith, prosecuting, said only Mr Johnson could have known the details, which had not been revealed by police. 

He added the “caller and the person who killed David Wilson were one and the same”. 

Outlining the events that had unfolded, Mr Smith said Mr Wilson’s partner had gone to a nearby fast food restaurant at 3.30am.

“When the partner returned home he had his flat key in his hand ready to open the door and was confronted by a man who demanded money and took his key,” he said. “The partner was forced to a go to the nearest cashpoint where various attempts were made to withdraw money. All attempts were unsuccessful.”

Mr Wilson’s partner managed to get away from the mugger and flagged down passing paramedics, who called the police. 

Concerned for his partner, he and the police banged on the flat door and called out for Mr Wilson, but got no response.

Mr Smith told jurors: “You may want to ask yourself whether that was because, during the short intervening period between him escaping from the man at the ATM and returning to the flat with the police, the man who stole his keys had entered the flat in the knowledge beforehand, and, using the keys to get in, had entered the bedroom where David Wilson was and had stabbed him to silence him - then left the property, locking the door behind him.”

Mr Wilson’s partner went to hospital for treatment and returned later that morning with a spare key, when he discovered Mr Wilson’s body on his left side and partially covered by bed clothes, while the kitchen knife used in the attack was on the floor nearby.

Mr Wilson had seven stab wounds to the head and neck and a number of wounds to his left hand, the court was told. 

Mr Smith said: “The seven stab wounds represent seven separate actions with the knife. One deeply penetrating injury, between the ear and neck, cut the main vein and main artery of the right and caused extensive blood loss. It is likely David Wilson’s death would have been rapid.”

Mr Smith said the culprit, who was captured on CCTV at the cashpoint, wore a distinctive red woollen hat and two-toned jacket. A selfie Mr Johnson took of himself pictured him in the same clothing, he added.

Mr Wilson who had two grandchildren, grew up in Hetton. 
Johnson has pleaded not guilty to murder. The trial continues.