A MAGICIAN has told how he and his dwarf rabbit performed a lucky escape.

Unfortunately for Ian Wragg, it was no carefully performed stage act, but a terrifying car accident.

The 36-year-old, from Darlington, was driving home along the A67 during a torrential downpour after performing at a children's party in Yarm, near Stockton.

His Citroen Picasso aquaplaned on a bend, before it flipped over an embankment and hit a tree.

Fortunately Mr Wragg, an entertainer for more than 15 years, walked away with only minor cuts and bruises.

His New Zealand dwarf rabbit, Asrah, a key part of his act, was also lucky. Her wooden travel box split in half in the impact, but Asrah emerged unscathed.

Mr Wragg said: "I was so lucky, it just isn't funny. The car hit the tree on its passenger side. If it had hit on the driver's side, I would not be here."

Mr Wragg, who is married to Tracy, 36, and has a 14-year-old son, Daniel, said his first thought was to find his mobile phone to call his wife, while desperately trying to find Asrah in the wreckage.

Passers-by stopped to help, despite the terrible weather following the accident, on June 23.

One, a nurse Mr Wragg knows only as Bridget, sat him in her car and helped calm him down.

Mr Wragg said he was overjoyed to find Asrah, but was unable to give her a comforting hug because he is allergic to rabbits.

He said: "It does sound ridiculous but I am allergic to rabbits.

"When the policewoman brought Asrah over to the ambulance, I had to shout for her not to bring the rabbit near in case I had a reaction. She thought it was hilarious."

After her traumatic experience, Asrah is now safe at home and, despite being shaken for a few days, she is back to normal.

Mr Wragg said "When I saw the state of the car I just could not believe it. I thank God that my wife or son were not in the car with me. They would not have stood a chance."