THE three-year-old boy who starred in the very first episode of television show Teletubbies is now a North-East medical student.

The series, which made Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa and Po household names, turns 20 today, and is now seen by about one billion children in more than 100 countries.

The Northern Echo: ANNIVERSARY: Ned Frost starring in the very first "tummy screen" film in the debut episode of Teletubbies when he was three years old, as the television show turns 20 Picture: NED FROST/PA

ANNIVERSARY: Ned Frost starring in the very first "tummy screen" film in the debut episode of Teletubbies when he was three years old, as the television show turns 20 Picture: NED FROST/PA

But its simple language and child-like movements were initially frowned upon by parents.

Ned Frost, who starred in the very first "tummy screen" film in the debut episode of Teletubbies as a three-year-old, is now a 23-year-old medical student, training to become a doctor in Newcastle.

"They were looking for a family riding bikes in London. I was very talkative, was filmed on my bike, and didn't mind the camera," he said.

"Friends found out about the episode I was in and it was later used during a paediatrics teaching session to show child development," he said.

"I was in two more episodes." he added. "And I still ride a bike, all the time."

The original series was created by Anne Wood and Andy Davenport for the BBC, which is airing a new series.

CBeebies Controller Kay Benbow said that it had been a "risk" commissioning the show.

But she added: "It was a risk that paid off and we are very proud of the show's fantastic heritage and its continued success."