A PET dog who scoffed a Star Wars themed vanilla sponge cake complete with lightsabre has been saved by vets.

Amber, a six-month-old German Shepherd, ate two thirds of the cake along with the toy piece made from decorative wire.

It had been bought by Mark Collins for his son’s eighth birthday party.

After her feast Amber became extremely ill, vomiting more than 11 times and became so lethargic she was lying down to drink.

Mr Collins, from Whickham, Gateshead, said: “I’d hidden the cake upstairs as Amber is not allowed up there, however the door was left open and she must have found it.

“When I discovered Amber standing over the cake, I couldn’t believe how much she’d eaten, and when I couldn’t find the lightsabre I feared the worst.

“We hoped that she had just eaten the cake and would bring all of it up, however as time passed it was obvious she was becoming more and more unwell.”

As Amber’s symptoms progressed Mark and his wife became increasingly concerned and took her Westway’s Whickham branch where she was assessed and sent on to the firm’s animal hospital in Newcastle for further treatment.

Vet Robert Norris said: “When we x-rayed Amber, we could clearly see the lightsabre in her stomach.

“Time was now of the essence as an obstruction in the digestive system can cause potentially life-threatening complications.

“We were able to remove the lightsabre safely.”

Mr Norris said dogs enjoy the taste and smell of sweets, chocolates and cake but they are toxic and can cause real distress if eaten.