A TEACHER who told his pupils, among other things, “don’t come to the next lesson with low-cut tops on as you’re teasing me” has been banned from classroom.

The Professional Standards Panel heard Rob Myers, who worked at Wensleydale School and Sixth Form college from July 2015 to March last year, made sexualised comments which made students feel “uncomfortable and disgusted”, leading one to consider abandoning her studies.

The 57-year-old’s comments and conduct sparked complaints after he told one student her work was “like soft porn”, touched another and tried to put her arms behind her back and smelled her.

The panel was told he also said to students: “Show the chief examiner your cleavage”, used the terms “slag” and “slut” and made reference to “ten naked virgins.”

It was also agreed the teacher eroded proper boundaries creating an ethos of over familiarity and disrespect in the classroom allowing pupils to call him Rob and “baldy”.

In a report the panel said:”Mr Myers actions had a direct impact on pupils, who reported that this behaviour made them feel uncomfortable and disgusted.

“In the case of Pupil B, she stated in evidence that she became de-motivated to the extent that she considered abandoning her studies and reported that the conduct had a negative impact on her academic performance. Each of the particulars even alone would represent a serious and significant departure from acceptable standards of professional conduct.”

Mr Myers did not attend the panel hearing but the allegations were found proven on the balance of probabilities.

Following the decision to ban him from teaching, Mr Myers has a right of appeal to the High Court.

North Yorkshire County Council said the school referred the case to the Disclosure and Barring Service and the National College for Teaching and Leadership as soon as the facts were established.

Wensleydale headteacher Julia Polley said: “As soon as we had evidence to call this teacher’s conduct into question, the school, with the county council, took immediate action to investigate every aspect of this case. We welcome the fact this case has been brought before the Professional Conduct Panel and support the decision to prohibit Mr Myers from teaching.”