VILLAGERS are urged to step forward and form a voluntary group to run their community centre.

Spennymoor Town Council hopes to recruit an entire committee to oversee the running of Byers Green Village Hall.

The council owns the building but for as long as anyone can remember it was ran almost single-handedly by volunteer Eileen Nutter until she passed away during the Christmas period.

The council has now gathered details of its accounts and activities and arranged for the caretaker of Middlestone Moor Community Centre to open, shut and clean the building until it hopes the community can take over its management.

Ward member Councillor Kevin Thompson said: “The death of Eileen Nutter has left a big hole, with some support from her family, she essentially ran the place- she was the bulwark of the committee for many many years.”

Cllr Thompson said that around five or six volunteers are needed to reform Byers Green Community Association, as chairman, secretary, treasurer and trustees.

He said: “The council is checking the admin is in order so when, hopefully, people come on board they are in a strong position to take over.

“The more people we have the more the work is spread around.

“It is difficult to get volunteers to spare time but this is an important building, when something is held in Byers Green it often ends with people back at the hall and using its kitchen for teas and pie and pea suppers.

“Hopefully we can get people with different skills and interests who can take on different roles and drive it forward.”

The hall has hosted many activities and community events in the past such as judo, sewing, jewellry making and computing courses, AAP and PACT meetings and has been hired for private parties and used on carnival days.

Councillor Thompson hopes residents take the opportunity to get involved and to suggest activities and events for the venue to increase its use.

He said a public meeting will be held in the near future to keep the public informed about the hall and how they can get involved.

In the meantime, anyone interested can contact Colin Ranson at Spennymoor Town Hall on 01388-815276 or email or contact Cllr Thompson on 01388-817797.

Bookings for the facility can also be made at the town hall.