THE second episode of the world’s first travelogue series hosted by a dog has been released, with the furry presenter exploring the county by rail.

Yorkie the Yorkshire terrier has been filmed as he enjoyed the scenery while on board the North Yorkshire Moors Railway, and a visit to the National Railway Museum in York.

The three part series has been commissioned by Visit York and gives viewers the opportunity to see England’s iconic historic city and its surrounding countryside from the perspective of one of Yorkshire’s most famous exports.

Dressed in a special adventurer’s outfit, complete with Visit York and Yorkshire Rose pin badges, throughout the series Yorkie gives the likes of Michaels Palin and Portillo a run for their money.

You can watch him strolling along the twisting, narrow lane of one of the best preserved medieval streets in Europe, Shambles; getting a dogs-eye view at the National Railway Museum, and taking a scenic journey in a steam train on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway.

To watch the episode visit