A POLICE officer's future in the force will be reviewed after he agreed to be bound over for his part in a street confrontation.

It followed the dropping of an assault charge against Stuart Nigel Taylor, today , stemming from the incident involving a 53-year-old man who was involved in a relationship with the officer's estranged wife.

Forty-one-year-old PC Taylor was said to have shouted allegations at the man, before confronting him on the drive way of his home in Southwell Road, Middlesbrough, on July 22 last year.

The 53-year-old reported matters to police, who investigated the incident and PC Taylor was subsequently charged with assault causing actual bodily harm.

Cleveland Police suspended him from his job pending the outcome of the case.

PC Taylor, 41, denied the charge at a hearing at Durham Crown Court in February.

The case was adjourned for a trial to start at the crown court today, and PC Taylor was bailed to live at an address in part of Middlesbrough away from the area of the alleged attack.

But, following legal submissions today, after new documents were presented to the court, prosecuting barrister James Adkin said it took the case "below the threshold" for seeking a successful prosecution.

"But, he's prepared to be bound over to reflect the verbal aggression indicated at the outset of the incident," added Mr Adkin, who offered 'no evidence' on the initial charge.

PC Taylor agreed to be bound over in the sum of £250 to keep the peace, for a year.

Judge Richard Lowden, therefore, recorded a formal 'not guilty' verdict.

Following the culmination of the case, a Cleveland Police spokeswoman said last night: "We will obviously be reviewing the circumstances of the case and the outcome, and a course of action will be decided.

"In the meantime he will remain suspended," she added.