A YOUTH group is looking for new members.

The Stockton Youth Assembly, organised by the borough council's youth service, meets every fortnight and is working with youth group the Arrogant One to create a skateboard and BMX park in the borough.

The youth service is also working to change the negative image some people have about youngsters

A series of posters, featuring young people taking part in activities such as community art projects and fundraising, are being displayed on buses and billboards to raise awareness of their good work.

Councillor Alex Cunningham, cabinet member for children and young people, said: "All too often people focus on the bad things committed by a minority of young people.

"This poster campaign aims to raise people's awareness that not every teenager is on an Asbo, and many of them are actively trying to make the borough a better place to live."

For information about the activities carried out by the Youth Service, visit www.stockton. gov.uk/youthservice or call 01642-526398.