PUPILS from Crook enjoyed a week of culture with European guests.

Hartside Primary School took part in the British Council's Comenius project and had school pupils and their teachers from Norway, Iceland, France and Portugal staying with them last week.

The Comenius programme is funded by the EU and gives students the chance to learn about other cultures and countries by meeting foreign children of the same age.

Julie Toothill, deputy headteacher and project co-ordinator said: "The project is a fantastic idea because it educates children about other cultures and gives our students the chance to teach British culture to their guests."

Ryan Scott, 11, said: "It's been loads of fun meeting all the foreign children and showing them what our country is like.

"I have learned lots about other countries and have even learned how to speak some foreign languages."

To learn more about the Comenius project, visit www.comeniusproject.org.uk