A BIG family day out is being planned at the annual Bedale Festival, on Saturday, June 23.

At 11am, there will be a parade of decorated floats, led by the lst Huntington Scout Band, to the gala in Bedale Hall park, where attractions will include a weekly car boot sale, a fairground, RAF displays and fire engines.

There will be displays by Bedale Gymnastic Club, the junior section of Bedale Brass Band and Northallerton Handbell Ringers, plus a display of Scouting memorabilia.

In the park from 4pm to 6.30pm, three groups - Rise From the Ashes, Roaring at Large Fish and Original Sin - will fight it out in the annual battle of the bands competition.

From 6.30pm to 11.30pm, local bands Epic, Toyshelf, Whitefire, The Conspirators and Petty Theft will perform live on stage.

Entry to the park during the festival will be free but donations will be invited.