YOUNGSTERS have proudly displayed their road safety posters in a Richmond gallery – with the winning eight designs being made into road signs for the town.

The new road safety initiative Street Sense was delivered to Richmond primary schools, following a recent government survey that showed child pedestrians accounted for most child casualties on the road due to a lack of experience and education.

It was led by North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, along with North Yorkshire County Council road safety education team.

During May, pupils at the tree schools created artwork with strong road safety messages, and were judged by members of the fire safety team. One winner and two wildcard winners were chosen from each school.

On Wednesday, June 15, children practised the pedestrian safety skills they learned by doing a supervised walk from school to the Station, Richmond where the winners of the poster competition were announced by Mayor of Richmond, Cllr Russell Lord.

The Station has paid for the winning designs to be professionally printed for display in the Station Gallery during June and will be permanent road signs near the schools.

"We're delighted to be able to support this initiative," said manager of the Station, Eileen Halliday.

"As a community building on a busy road, the StreetSense message is also very relevant to us. It was a real pleasure to be involved in the judging process and to be able to showcase the winning entries here in the building."

The designs will be on display at the Station until June 29.