THE chairwoman of Durham County Council has honoured a sailor from the county's adopted warship.

Councillor Edna Hunter presented Chief Petty Officer John Williams with a Long Service Good Conduct medal, during a civic reception for the crew of his warship, the HMS Bulmark, at County Hall, Durham, yesterday.

Chief Petty Officer Williams, who works with communication equipment on the ship, was given the medal for completing 15 years of service above the age of 17 and a half.

HMS Bulwark's captain, Jeremy Blunden, said: "This represents recognition of a commitment to the Navy. He's a good example, very committed."

Earlier, Durham County Council's Cabinet had met onboard HMS Bulwark, which has been berthed in Sunderland since Thursday.

The landing assault vessel, which has recently returned to the sea after a nine-month maintenance period, will leave the region tonight.

Capt. Blunden said: "We've been extremely well-looked after. It's been an excellent visit, and a great honour."