YOUNG people in Bedale are getting the chance to have their say on plans for a youth centre in the town.

Bedale High School students have been invited to give their views on the idea next week.

The Bedale community plan, published in 2004, and a workshop for young people last year identified the need for more youth services in Bedale.

In February, Bedale and Villages Community Plan Forum held a public meeting to assess local feeling.

The meeting was attended by representatives of Bedale High School, Connexions, Askham Bryan College, the police, Hambleton Community Safety Partnership, Hambleton District Council, North Yorkshire County Council, Bedale Chamber of Trade and Tourism, Bedale Town Council and the parish councils of Scruton, Aiskew and Leeming Bar and Carthorpe.

The consultation day is the latest phase of work to gauge public support and determine how the centre can be opened.

On Wednesday, Bedale High School students will be able to give comments at the start and end of the school day, at breaktimes, and at the current youth centre in the evening. They will be asked where the new venue should be, what it should offer and how often they would use it.