MUSICIANS from across the North take to the bandstand aiming hit the high notes, this weekend.

The 13th Great North Big Band Jazz Festival features a record number of performers taking part in both concerts and competitions, at Sunderland University’s North Shore venue, at St Peter’s, Monkwearmouth.

Between 600 and 700 musicians are expected to take part, from Friday (March 4) to Sunday (March 6), making it the biggest big band festival staged under one roof in the UK.

Leading North-East big band Musicians Unlimited provide the festival overture with its stylish portrayal of many familiar standards, from Sinatra to Count Basie, in concert from 8pm.

The competitive element takes over on Saturday (March 5), as 14 senior bands try to out blow each other to impress the judges, from 11am, before coming together in concert on the main festival stage, from 7pm.

Nine school bands from across the country compete on Sunday, from 11am, with the youth category contest, starting at 4pm.

Festival director Bill Watson is looking forward to another “exciting and outstanding” festival, with the high standard of performance expected to be maintained with this year’s programme.

Admission is £10 for adults, payable on the door, with tickets covering all three days of the festival, but there is no charge for accompanied under-16s.

Free parking is available at the venue, on Charles Street, off Dame Dorothy Street.