ABOUT five weeks ago I was troubled by an infection which caused me a great deal of discomfort.

Being the Sabbath, no doctors were available so I went to the outpatient department at Bishop Auckland General Hospital without any authorisation from the local practice.

I was treated immediately and kindly by staff on duty and was then taken to a doctor who gave me antibiotics which cured the trouble.

For this treatment I give my appreciation and thanks. At the same time, I was horrified to hear of rumours of closure of this magnificent hospital, cutting off such a vital service to the people of the Dales and County Durham.

Surely someone in high places will show some common sense, but this seems to be in short supply in politics these days.

Again, many thanks, Bishop Auckland. - WE Dalton, Eastgate, Bishop Auckland


I WAS overwhelmed and delighted to learn that one of your representatives had drawn my competition entry first in the recent event held with "Switch On" in Bishop Auckland.

I herewith express my deep gratitude and heartfelt thanks for the beautiful 37in Toshiba TV, which has now been installed in my home.

It goes without saying that The Northern Echo will continue to be my favourite newspaper. - Joan Harrison, Frosterley, Bishop Auckland