FLORAL creations for a flower club's competition went on show after they were judged.

Every two years, Dunelm Flower Club stages the contest for its members and those from its sister group, Durham Flower Club.

As the clubs are celebrating their silver jubilee, this year's competition was called The Anniversary Years.

Judged by experts from the National Association of Flower Clubs, the diverse collection includes fruit, foliage, wood, glass and fabric, as well as flowers.

Themed competition classes this year include Copper Cabana, Cotton Capers, Tutti Fruiti, Tea is Served, Classy Glass, Silver Celebration, Woodn't it be Nice and Coral Reef.

The entries, which include wall hangings, pedestal compositions and table arrangements, were mounted at the DLI Museum and Durham Art Gallery last Wednesday.

Judging took place the following day, but, from Friday until yesterday, the exhibition was open to the public.

The best in show this year was novice member Noreen Wright's entry in the Classy Glass section.

New members are welcome to try their hand at flower arranging, with advice from expert demonstrators who appear as invited guests at the club's monthly meetings.

They are staged every third Thursday of the month, at Elvet Riverside lecture theatre building, in New Elvet, Durham, starting at 7.30pm.

The next meeting is on June 21, with Susan Hall, a demonstrator from Saltburn, designing to the theme of Women of the World.

Further information is available from club chairwoman Wendy Smith, on 0191-384-8983.