A SCHOOL was invaded by young pirates.

The children, wearing hats, eye-patches and moustaches, were taking part in a Pirate Day at Steeple People Out-of-School Club, in Ainderby Steeple CE Primary School, Morton-on-Swale near Northallerton.

The children, aged three to 11 and from schools in the Northallerton and Bedale areas, brandished cutlasses as they boarded the good ship Jammy Dodger, which they designed themselves.

They enjoyed fishing games, limbo dancing and an obstacle course before walking the plank.

The event was organised by Maggie Hoyle and Carol Thompson, both leaders at Scruton Pre-School, which caters for children from two, and the out-of-school club, which is open to pupils aged three to 11 from any school in the area.

Mrs Thompson said: "It was a very successful day and all the children thoroughly enjoyed it."

The out-of-school club is to open between May 29 and May 31 and on June 4, from 7.45am until 6pm, during the half-term school holidays.

Children from other schools are welcome to join in the programme of events, which includes tile painting, bowling and a scavenger hunt.

The cost to take part is £18 for a full day.

For more information, contact Mrs Thompson on 07710 708118.