The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night-time, National Theatre, Sunderland Empire Theatre

CHRISTOPHER Boone is a 15 year old boy from a dysfunctional family who is accused of killing his neighbour’s dog with a garden fork. This fictional character who has behavioural problems (haven’t we all got a few of those?), was first brought to light in Mark Haddon’s-highly acclaimed novel of the same name.

The story is an amazing odyssey filled with poignant metaphors and brilliant performances; a journey that takes us deep into Christopher’s alternative universe, aided and abetted by mesmeric lighting effects from Paule Constable that quite frankly are mind-blowing. The set courtesy of designer Bunny Christie is a three-sided box that looks as if it’s made of grey graph paper. Its simplicity belies its complexity as it magically transforms into a railway station, the houses in Christopher’s street, a London tube train and cupboards that contain a whole working model railway that Christopher puts together as the story unfolds.

Joshua Jenkins pulls us into Christopher’s world with an outstanding performance as the unlikely hero who likes Sherlock Holmes, mathematics, the colour red and his pet rat, Toby. Clare Perkins gives an exceptional performance as the dog’s owner Mrs Shears; Stuart Laing is an excellent long-suffering dad and other performances by the rest of the ensemble are all top notch.

Movement by Scott Graham and Steven Hoggett for Frantic Assembly is a masterclass of physical theatre and as you’ve probably guessed I absolutely loved every frantic minute of it.

* Runs until Saturday with matinees. Box Office: 0844-871-3022 or

Helen Brown