Youngsters have been rewarded for their efforts in a competition to collect old Yellow Pages.

Each year the company teams up with the Woodland Trust, Sedgefield Borough Council and the Butterwick Hospice to challenge schools across the borough to collect old telephone directories for recycling.

Pupils from top recycling schools joined campaign mascot, Kirk, and the borough's deputy mayor, Councillor Brian Hall, when the results were announced earlier this week.

Ferryhill Station Primary School won the Gold Oak prize, and £300, for recycling 17.1 directories per pupil.

Stephenson Way Primary School, Newton Aycliffe, won £200 and the Silver Birch title for collecting 3.8 directories per child, and Aycliffe Village Primary School won £100 and the Bronze Beech honours for its 2.9 directories per pupil.

Sedgefield Hardwick Primary School received a £100 bonus prize from Yellow Pages for building the best sculpture.

For every pound Yellow Pages awards to schools, a matching pound is donated to the Woodland Trust to protect ancient woodland and plant more trees across the UK.