We recently rescued a German Shepherd, which is about two years old, with little history. My problem is he seems to drink excessively and suffers from wind. I have wormed him straight away but wonder if he has a digestive or diabetic problem. Do you think I should refer him to a vet?

Robert Williams


Dear Robert Williams,
German Shepherd dogs are prone to all kinds of digestive problems which may be accounting for the bad wind and possibly the excessive thirst. You should take the dog to your vets for a check up. He or she may want to take a blood sample which will easily check for diabetes, though there are many conditions that can cause an increased thirst. Before making an appointment, measure the actual amount of water your dog drinks per day. This will help your vet to assess whether the dog truly has an excessive thirst. It would also help to take a fresh urine sample if you can catch one.


Paul Wilson