We have two Dogue de Bordeauxs. They have both just turned 1. At six months old they developed demodex mange. Our vet prescribed malaseb and also auldex. At Christmas it seemed to have cleared so we stopped treating them with the aludex. Our male 'Hugo' now seems to be getting it back in a few small areas. We spent £1000 on treating them and It now looks like we will have to start again with him. Can you recommend anything cheaper?



Dear Olivia,
There are alternative ways of treating dogs with demodex and sometimes it can be a lifetime problem. The way that they have been treated to start with is the only way that has lisenced approval to be used. You do have to option of use of one of ivomectin of milbemycin in trying to treat but these are off lisence and you may be asked to sign a form before using. The Malaseb would still generally be used on a regular basis but not the Aludex which is the part that is most difficult to use and more expensive. I have used Ivomectin orally as well as by injection and currently would favour oral use. I would only use ivomectin in patient that are like yours where the conventional and authorised treatments have been used and failed. It is unlikely to cure the problem but may well resolve it whilst on medication and should be vastly cheaper to use. This treatment is highly toxic in some breed mainly collie type dogs but I know of no saftey issues with your breed of dog.

Paul Wilson