A SIX-year-old girl has had her “Rapunzel” hair cut off for charity.

Skye Beadle, from Crook, County Durham, had her long red hair chopped off to raise money for children’s cancer charity, The Little Princess Trust.

Her locks - which Skye says makes her look like the fairy-tale tale character, Rapunzel - were lopped off by her favourite hairdresser, Rachael Jackson at Escape on the town’s North Terrace.

So far she has raised more than £300.

Skye told her mother, 29-year-old Rachael Fairhurst: “I saw the children who are poorly and I felt sorry for them. I thought why don’t I get my hair cut short like them?”

A delighted Miss Fairhurst said: “I’m over the moon. To say I’m proud doesn’t even get a look in.”

Skye said she got the idea from an older pupil from St Cuthbert’s school in Crook.

The Little Princess Trust, which gives the donated hair to a factory in China to be made into wigs, as well as buying new wigs with donations, became famous in 2013 when pop star Jesse J donated some of her hair.

The charity was launched in 2006 by parents and friends of Hannah Tarplee who died of a Wilms tumour in 2005.

Donations to Skye’s charity can be made at justgiving.com/Skyes-Haircut