ILLICIT vodka that is so potent it can cause blindness has made its way into the hands of underage drinkers in the region.

Police have issued a warning about the toxic spirit after they discovered teenagers swigging from a bottle of counterfeit vodka.

Officers believe it originated from a large-scale distillery in Cardiff, which was shut down last month by customs chiefs, who suspect methylated spirits and industrial alcohol were used to produce the drink.

The find was made on Monday night by Police Community Support Officers patrolling the streets of Spennymoor, in County Durham.

Responding to complaints of rowdy behaviour and under-age drinking, the officers found a group of youths on a disused railway path behind St Paul's Gardens.

Two of them, a 15-year-old girl and a 17-year-old boy, each had a litre bottle of 1806 Christoff pure grain vodka - a counterfeit brand.

The teenage girl claimed to have drunk half of the contents but appears not to have suffered any permanent ill-effects. Officers visited her parents and issued an anti-social behaviour notice. The boy was given a verbal warning.

PCSO Paul Cooper said: "It is no exaggeration to say this stuff, which smells like paint stripper, can kill or cause blindness.

"One of the youths nearly fainted when we told them."

Beat officer PC Dawn Southern added: "It is worrying enough when teenagers can so easily get hold of strong drink.

"But we were shocked to discover this was not just normal strength vodka but an illicit product that could have serious health consequences.

"We do not know how the youngsters have obtained it, but hopefully someone will have an idea regarding the source."

Trading Standards officials will test samples of the liquid.

However, police say there is little doubt the bottle contained the fake spirit.

Anyone in possession of Christoff vodka or knows where it is being sold in County Durham is urged to contact Durham Police on 0845-60-60-365.