My dog started making noises that sounded like she was clearing her nose/throat. Soon afterwards she started producing mucus from her nose (all over our carpets!) We have taken her to 3 vets, all of whom prescribed antibiotics which haven't helped at all. She has suffered with this for over a year now and is not getting any better. Can you help?



Dear Rhiain,
Nasal discharge in a dog is not nice! As well as being distressing to the dog. I find that if it becomes established then intense and prolonged courses of antibiotics, as well as scoping the nose/flushing the nose and x-raying the nose/sinuses, can all be a must. left untreated, often these cases progress where the nose starts bleeding uncontrollably! So I would go back and ask for a swab/xray/scope/wash-out! I find that ketoconazole along with tetracyclines often works best.

James Haddow