IMPULSIVE behaviour in adults could be linked to stressful experiences during early life, according to new research by North-East academics.

The study, led by experts from Newcastle University and published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, has found for the first time a link between cellular changes associated with early-life stress, and risk-taking in adults.

Studying starlings, the team found those birds exposed to greater stress in the nest went on to develop shorter telomeres – biomarkers used to predict future life expectancy – and also had a stronger preference for immediate rather than delayed rewards as adults.

The team believe this sheds further light on how childhood experiences can influence biological development, and say this study goes someway to explain why people who have suffered during childhood are more likely to display impulsive behaviour.

And it highlights the importance of early intervention to support children and remove them from stressful and potentially damaging situations.

Professor Melissa Bateson, based in the Institute of Neuroscience at Newcastle University, explains: “This is all about survival. Animals that suffer stress in early life are likely to be weaker and less healthy and will therefore prioritise immediate survival over long-term benefits.

“What we have demonstrated here is the biological link between impulsive, short-term decision making and early-life experiences.

“People who have experienced extreme adversity during childhood such as abuse or neglect are more likely to demonstrate impulsive behaviours such as gambling in later life and we believe this study goes some way to explaining why that might be.”

Telomeres are DNA ‘caps’ found on chromosomes that shorten with age. Stress-induced damage to these telomeres has been found to be an important factor in the ageing process and shortening of telomeres has been shown to increase the risk of disease and premature death.