A TOWN’S annual carnival more than held its own against the Tour De France in terms of bringing in visitors this weekend.

Organisers of the carnival in Crook, County Durham, had feared the cyclists visiting Yorkshire would have resulted in a poor turnout at their own annual event.

But more than 1,000 people went to the carnival held at Crook Town Football Club leaving organisers delighted.

Sandra Sanderson from the carnival committee said: “We knew it was a busy weekend around the region and when we saw the rain first thing in the morning we thought it would be a bad day, but the sun came out an so did the people.

“All the feedback has been very positive, it’s been a lovely day, we would like to thank the people of Crook for coming out to support us.”

One of the big draws was a dog show, the first time the carnival has held one, with 70 pooches entered.

Ms Sanderson said: “We did not know how the dogs would work out but has been a great success and we will look at doing it again next year.

“A huge thank you goes to Becky Brunskill and Debra Wright for making it work so well.”

Ms Sanderson also thanked Sure Start, Wetherspoons and Co-op for their support.

Now the committee is looking for more volunteers to help organise next year’s carnival.

For more information, call 01388-747000.