Sir, - Would other elderly pedestrians tell me if they are getting similar experiences to mine with very arrogant and selfish cyclists.

With the Tour de France near to hand, and various riders in Durham, the pavements, as well as the roads, are awash with cyclists who rarely give a thought to the pedestrians the pavements were made for.

Cyclists want more consideration from motorists but seem to give little in return, yet encroach willy-nilly into pedestrians areas.

Here is my latest experience.

I am now 65 years old and due to my eyesight, hearing and balance problems I walk with my vision focussed a few yards ahead of me and because of arthritis I’m not very agile, but after medication, I endeavour to have a daily walk, for my physical and mental health – as advised by HM Government and the NHS.

Part of my walk is along a reclaimed railway track which has a notice at either end saying “cyclists must give way to horses and pedestrians”. Just last week I was called a “stupid bitch” because I didn’t move out of the way, into high growing nettles, by two speeding cyclists going hell for leather along this path.

There was no bell, horn, alarm or warning from them – they just sped past abusing me because I didn’t move for them.

And today, at the entrance to the path, another cyclist was determined to be through before me, so he didn’t have to stop and actually brushed my clothing. Again no warning of any kind was given. If I had fallen would he have helped me – who knows, but it really is time cyclists stopped the selfish act of wanting their cake and eating it and acknowledged that they are not the only ones on the road, or pavements, where they should not be at all, and give way to pedestrians. This applies to all of them.

Name and address withheld by agreement.