THE DAUGHTER of a man who was trapped between two vehicles has thanked members of the Great North Air Ambulance Service (GNAAS) who flew to his aid.

Ashleigh Chambers, 23, of South Shields, rushed to her father, Andrew Redhead’s aid when she heard of the accident at his home in Catchgate, near Stanley, County Durham, on Tuesday June 24.

Self-employed handyman Mr Redhead, 49, was outside his house and stood between a car and van when the car rolled forward, pinning him between the two vehicles.

GNAAS landed close to the scene and found Mr Redhead had suffered a broken femur. The medic team administered strong pain relief before putting his leg in a splint.

Mrs Chambers said: “I got the initial phone call from my brother to tell me my dad had been run over and it was a massive shock.

“I rushed to my parent's house and found the ambulance and police in the street and I ran to his side.

“The air ambulance doctor was just amazing. She was so reassuring and the level of care shown by the team was brilliant. They played a massive part in his recovery.”

GNAAS transported Mr Redhead to the major trauma centre at Newcastle’s Royal Victoria Infirmary in eight minutes. The next day, he underwent surgery on his leg and came home on Monday, June 30.

Mrs Chambers said: “The day after his surgery he was already up and trying to walk with his crutches and he’s been raring to come home.

"I can’t thank the air ambulance enough for their fast response and treatment on scene.”