STUDIO West, the region’s first ‘studio school’ which aims to change the face of North- East education, has been given an overwhelming endorsement from parents.

In research involving around 100 parents, more than three-quarters of parents said they were “enthusiastic” or “supportive” of the opportunity offered by the Newcastle-based studio school, with just 5 per cent saying they had “reservations” and about 17 per cent saying they were “unsure” about some elements.

In the same research, 86 per cent of parents said the Department of Education should enter into a funding agreement with Studio West.

Three-quarters of parents surveyed were in favour of the name, Studio West, while 93 per cent thought the school’s values and ethos of developing students’ independence, confidence, work ethic and lifelong learning were appropriate. Studio West’s curriculum, which will focus on project-based learning, was supported by 87 per cent of parents who responded.

Enroling students now, the school for 13 to 19-year-olds, which will open on the site of All Saints’ College in West Denton, Newcastle, in September, guarantees every student who completes their education there a place at university, an apprenticeship or a job.

Designed to immerse students in the world of work from the very beginning of their education, the school will have strong links with employers and will provide every student with weekly or fortnightly work experience placements from age 13.

Pioneering project-based learning in the North East, the school will teach students through real-life business assignments which have been set by real employers, with education of core subjects reinforced in the classroom. With an enterprise centre based on site, the school will operate business hours and will open 48 weeks a year.

Val Wigham, principal designate of Studio West, said: “I am So far, we have received a lot of applications from students and we are filling up fast, so I would urge any parents of students who will be aged 13 to 19 in September, and are interested in sending their child to Studio West, to get in touch with us now.”