A MUGGER who left a young student terrified to leave her home alone was yesterday (Monday) locked up for three years.

Graham Forbes was told his crime has had a profound effect on his victim, who has also suffered sleepless nights.

In an impact statement read in court, the 18-year-old says: "I would like him to know what he has put me through."

The statement adds: "Although the incident only lasted for seconds, it will stay with me for the rest of my life.

"I'm unable to go out on my own in daylight or at night in case I'm attacked again and my grandmother has to drive me to college each day because I'm in fear of walking."

Forbes struck at night near Hartlepool town centre last month because he needed money for a bus fare and drugs.

During a tug-of-way over the teenager's handbag, he yelled at her "bitch" before fleeing with her belongings.

Teesside Crown Court heard he was arrested nearby hiding in a skate park close to the Mill House Leisure Centre.

The 31-year-old had the handbag in one hand and a purse in the other, and told police he was desperate for money.

Laura Miller, mitigating, said Forbes wanted to get back to his parents' home in Trimdon Grange - ten miles away.

"He is shocked and embarrassed by his behaviour and states that this is the worst thing he has ever done," she said.

The court heard Forbes - who has convictions going back to 2001 - got a community order for a bag snatch two years ago.

Judge Peter Bowers told him: "This was a night attack on a vulnerable, lone female. You were affected heroin, you were hooded.

"You have heard the profound effect it has had upon this girl. She is afraid to go out even during the day and her family have to rally around to support her.

"What I find the most serious aggravating feature is that you have done this before.

"Two years ago, you were given a community order. It showed enormous leniency on the part of the court. You have not learned from that.

"When you were desperate for money, you did the same thing again, but this time it was much worse."