A LARGE barn fire was still smoldering yesterday on its third night of being allowed to burn out under the supervision of firefighters.

A spokeswoman for North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue said the blaze, which had been contained to one section of a three-section barn in Melmerby, near Leyburn, had required high volume pumps, eight fire crews and the command unit.

She added that cattle that had been in other parts of the barn had been removed and that crews were still at the scene to control the burning out of the building.

At the height of the blaze eight fire crews were at the scene at 4.45pm on Wednesday, February 5.

Two crews from Richmond and Leyburn were sent to the farm and they called for three more crews, and a command support unit, to be brought in.

Problems with getting enough water to the property led to a further three fire engines being sent, including a high-volume water pump from Richmond.

A water relay system was set up and a water bowser was brought in to help the crews.

A spokesman for the fire service said that by 8.30pm, the fire had been contained to one bay of the barn and crews used breathing equipment and three water jets to bring the flames under control.