A FORMER police officer has gone into business taking fingerprints, from babies.

Taking ‘dabs’ was a routine part of Jacqui Bowley’s job during her eight years as a cop, but now she is preserving them as memories for proud parents.

The 34-year-old, who lives in Delves Lane, Consett, County Durham, runs Precious Moments in Silver, making bespoke pendants casts from the children’s fingerprints.

Ms Bowley, a mother-of-two, said: “Beading and making jewellery at home was my way of winding down from the stresses of my job. I’d only ever considered it a fun pastime.

“I suffered from mild post natal depression after the birth of my first son, George, in 2007 but after the arrival of his little brother, James, four years later, my PND was horrendous.”

Her second baby was born with a heart defect and had major surgery at 13 days old.

She added: “As soon as I became a mother, I realised I was putting myself in regular danger. I couldn’t do it any more, not when I had two little ones at home who needed their mummy.”

Ms Bowley is a member of Derwentside’s Enterprising Women (DEW) project, which was set up last year, and has just announced the scheme has been extended to run until March, longer if more funding is secured.

An application for funding for a similar project will be submitted in April.

The next meeting is on February 26 from 9.30am-noon at Steel House in Consett.

Women interested in businesses can get the mentorship of business coaches and advice on to launch their own company.

Gillian Khachikian, enterprise coach at Derwentside Enterprise Agency, said: “Although all of the businesses we’ve established are rather small, many of the ladies have plans to develop and expand, to recruit and train staff in the future and I’m confident we will see many more positive outcomes of this project in the years to come.”