A NEW history of Durham School has been launched to mark the institution’s 600th anniversary.

Floreat Dunelmia: 600 Years of Durham School was written by the school’s archivist John Malden, who is also a former pupil, and designed and illustrated by Colin Looker.

It includes stories from old boys’ memoirs, diaries and anecdotes, including a diary from 1578.

“Instead of it being a rather dry and formal history, it’s a look at or a general feeling of the place,” Mr Malden said.

“If any of you are worried about teenage behaviour, don’t worry.

“Read what George Dobson got up to and what teenagers do today is absolutely fine.”

The school was founded by Bishop of Durham Thomas Langley in 1414 and received royal foundation by King Henry VIII in 1541.

It moved to its current base on Quarryheads Lane in the mid-19th century.

The current headteacher, Martin George, is leaving this summer to lead a new boarding school in Malaysia.

The process of recruiting a successor has already begun.

The book is available now, priced £40 plus £10 postage and packaging.

To buy a cope, visit durhamschool-giftshop.co.uk or email: a.stoker@durhamschool.co.uk