ANOTHER North-East council will announce its council tax plans next week (Wednesday, February 12).

Sunderland City Council’s cabinet will outline its proposals at a meeting on Wednesday, February 12.

However, some details of the 2014-15 budget have already been announced.

More than £80m is earmarked for improving the city’s roads, schools and buildings.

But the authority faces a £35m funding gap and its spending power has been cut by more than the national average.

It has reduced spending by more than £100m over the last three years and faces another £113m of cuts in the next three.

There are now 2,845 fewer council staff than there were four years ago – 4,874 compared to 7,719.

Councillor Mel Speding, the cabinet secretary, said Sunderland had been hit by a disproportionate level of cuts, meaning it faced harsh and extremely difficult decisions and changes to front-line services were unavoidable.

He added: “Despite the cuts what we must continue to do is invest in the city’s infrastructure.

“With improving schools, investments in roads and transport we can help generate more wealth and attract more jobs.

“We have to continue with work regenerating and investing in our city so we become more prosperous.”

The final budget will be set on Wednesday, March 5.