AN inspirational youngster has been nominated for an award for her work in raising awareness of epilepsy.

Despite having the condition nine-year-old Alexandra Craggs, of Bishop Auckland, spends her time organising fundraisers.

She also ensures there is time in the day to keep an eye on her mum Sarah Staples who also has epilepsy.

It was Miss Staples who nominated her daughter for the Young Epilepsy Champions Awards. The winners will be announced later this month.

The family were forced to move to Bishop Auckland after Alexandra was bullied at school about her condition.

She now attends St Anne’s C of E Primary School and her parents Andrew Craggs and Miss Staples said the support from teachers and her fellow pupils has given her the confidence to highlight epilepsy.

The family have raised money for County Durham epilepsy charity Small Steps and also Epilepsy Action.

Miss Staples said: “Alexandra never lets anything get her down. She just carries on and tries to do what she can to raise awareness “We want to share information about epilepsy with as many people as we can. We are speaking to more and more people which is fantastic.”

Anyone interested in getting involved can contact Miss Staples on 07713591123.

• There will be a charity fashion show in aid of Small Steps at M&Co, Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland, at 6.30pm. Tickets are £2.