FORMER Newcastle United defender Olivier Bernard is showing the red card to dog owners who let their pets foul on football pitches.

The retired French full-back, who now owns Durham City FC, is backing a Durham County Football Association and Durham County Council campaign against irresponsible dog owners.

The month-long crackdown begins today (Tuesday, February 5).

Mr Bernard said: “I am very pleased to be supporting this campaign. Children have a right to play in clean and safe areas which are free from dog mess.

“It is unacceptable for people to allow their dogs to foul anywhere, including on playing fields and football pitches.”

The campaign will target 15 areas across County Durham.

Neighbourhood wardens will be on patrol, ready to issue £80 fixed penalty notices to those who fail to clean up after their pet.

Educational and free microchipping sessions will also be held.

To report dog fouling, call 03000-261-000 or visit