A SIXTH annual chamber music festival will have a First World War theme to mark the centenary of the outbreak of the conflict.

The Northern Chords Festival, the North-East’s most prominent chamber music festival, will be held in Durham for the first time this year – including a concert in Durham Cathedral.

Over five days from May 26 to 30, more than 100 musicians will perform 20 works in eight concerts at venues including Durham and Newcastle cathedrals, the Sage Gateshead and St Andrew’s Church in Corbridge.

Festival founder and artistic director Jonathan Bloxham, originally of Whickham, Gateshead, said: “I am very excited about bringing Northern Chords to Durham Cathedral.

“It is a truly wonderful setting for the festival; inspirational for both audience and performer.

“The festival for me is all about bringing music home.

“I want people to be able to hear the world’s best classical musicians here in the North-East, which is why we are expanding the venues and making the festival accessible to more people across the region.”

For more information, visit northernchords.com