SCHOOLCHILDREN have raised £150 for charity by forming a human heart in their playground.

About 150 pupils and teachers at Bishop Barrington School in Bishop Auckland, County Durham, dressed in red and formed the heart shape this morning (Tuesday, February 4).

Everyone who took part donated £1 to the British Heart Foundation, a national charity that funds cutting edge research into the prevention and treatment of heart disease, as well as highlighting telltale symptoms.

The cause is especially close to the hearts of literacy intervention teacher, Clair Crooks, and English teacher, Victoria Downes.

Ms Crooks said: “For me, it is very personal. My uncle passed away due to heart failure. He was only 49 and it was completely out of the blue. My whole family is now very involved with the British Heart Foundation.”

Members of Ms Downes’ family have also suffered heart attacks and she recently completed a sponsored walk along Hadrian’s Wall to raise funds for the charity.

“I think the children really enjoyed themselves,” she said.

“We didn’t draw a template on the yard so it was good fun trying to get the shape right. We are thrilled to have raised money for such a worthwhile cause.”