CHAPEL COFFEE: A coffee morning will be held at Witton Park Methodist Chapel on Saturday (February 8) to raise money for church funds. Entry will be free and the event will run from 10am to noon.

MACMILLAN FUNDRAISER: A coffee morning will be held at Tudhoe Community Centre from 9.30am to noon on Monday, February 17, to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Care. Entry will be free and attractions will include a raffle and stalls as well as refreshments.

CINEMA CLUB: The Upper Weardale Cinema Club will screen The Scroods (U) at 6pm and RIPD (12) at 8pm on Friday (February 7) at Upper Weardale Town Hall in St John’s Chapel. Annual membership costs £2 with each film costing £2 for adults and £1.50 for children.

JUMBLE SALE: The Salvation Army, in Shildon, is to hold a jumble sale at its Cross Street base on Tuesday, February 11, from 10am with free entry.

COFFEE MORNING: A coffee morning will be held at Bishop Auckland Methodist Church on Saturday (February 8) from 10am to noon to raise funds for Small Steps Epilepsy Awareness, entry is free and attractions include a raffle and tombola.