A HOUSEHOLDER came across an intruder looking in his fridge after hearing a noise from the kitchen, a court was told.

When challenged, Lee Thomas Morris, fled, taking a wallet, a body warmer and another coat as he escaped over the rear wall of the house in Coundon, County Durham, at about 7pm, on November 20.

Durham Crown Court heard that police “spot-checked” Morris in the village later that evening, apparently intoxicated, trying to get a lift to Newton Aycliffe.

Chris Baker, prosecuting, said a finger print match, found on a make-up bag moved at the entered house in Collingwood Street, led to Morris being arrested, on December 6.

He made no reply when interviewed, but pleaded ‘guilty’ to burglary at an earlier hearing.

Mr Baker said 36-year-old Morris, of Bates Close, Newton Aycliffe, is a “three strikes” offender, having “qualifying convictions” for house burglary dating from 2001, but none since 2005.

Ben Pegman, mitigating, said there was, “absolutely no pre-meditation”, as Morris was visiting a friend in Coundon that day, but a car, in which he was to return to Newton Aycliffe, broke down.

Mr Pegman said Morris began drinking and claimed to have entered the burgled house mistaking it for his friend’s home.

He was said to have been looking for food in the fridge when interrupted by the resident.

“There was little, or no planning. It was merely opportunistic,” added Mr Pegman.

Judge Robert Adams said it merited the mandatory three-year prison sentence for three-strike burglars, but agreed to reduce it to one of two years and 146 days, having given Morris one-fifth 'discount' for his ‘guilty’ plea.