A YOUNG boy was left distressed and shaken after he was chased by a man in woodland.

The ten-year-old was running through the woods from Saltburn Valley Gardens towards Skelton on the Cleveland Way at around 1.25pm yesterday (Sunday, February 2).

He passed the unknown man, who started running after him, causing the boy great distress.

The child approached two people, believed to be a father and son, who were on mountain bikes and told them what had happened. The cyclists took him home, unharmed but extremely shaken.

The suspect is described as white, aged around 30 years, of slim to medium build, tall with dark blonde hair. He was clean shaven and had freckles. The man was wearing a long sleeved plain grey hooded sweatshirt with the hood down and black trousers.

Anyone who saw this man in the area is asked to contact PC Gail Sutherland at Kirkleatham Police Office on 101. The officer would also like the cyclists to come forward and to contact her on the same number.