TAXPAYERS in the region are to be charged more for policing.

Durham Police’s Police and Crime Panel today (Monday, February 3) agreed in principle to increase its council tax precept by two per cent.

That equates to an extra 6p per week for a Band D household (£3.13 a year), or 4p for Band A (£2.08 a year).

However, the hike could still be reduced.

The Government is yet to announce what rise in precept would trigger a local referendum.

It is expected to be two per cent but if it is lower, Durham Police would adopt the “maximum permissible increase” not requiring a public vote.

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Ron Hogg said: “This is not a decision I’ve come to at all lightly.

“We’re likely to lose £13m over the next three years and the Government is taking £4.2m from us this year.

“The (two per cent) increase will only raise £480,000, so it leaves us with a massive gap.

“We’re seeking to protect neighbourhood and frontline policing.

“Everywhere I go our communities say they want to see more PCs and PCSOs. I can’t do that but I can do what I can.”

Mr Hogg said online consultation with people across County Durham and Darlington had found two-thirds support for freezing or cutting the police precept but, in contrast, face-to-face consultation had found support for a two per cent rise.

The Labour PCC also said Durham was suffering unfairly under Government cuts, due to its relatively limited ability to raise extra funds.

Durham County Council will set its council tax precept on Wednesday, February 26.