DALES communities have been reassured they will not be left isolated should bad weather hit when major road works begin later this month.

Swaledale and Arkengarthdale residents were frustrated they had not been consulted over traffic management plans – leaving them wondering whether they would be able to get in and out of the Dale in snowy and icy conditions.

Work on the B6270 between Reeth and Richmond is due to take place from late February for 12 weeks, with a complete closure of the road throughout that time.

At a public meeting last year, residents called for a traffic light system on the main diversion route past Grinton Lodge, and for other routes out of the Dale to have a higher priority gritting service – but despite the forthcoming deadline for the work, North Yorkshire County Council's highways department were unable to confirm safety measures.

There was also concern over a further three-week road closure on the A6108 at Downholme Park, a week longer than previously advertised, but highways officials said the extra week was because of having to work around underground cables.

But after calling on the chief executive of North Yorkshire County Council Richard Flinton, for more information, county councillor John Blackie has been told there will be both a temporary traffic light system on the Grinton road, and upgraded gritting treatment on two other routes.

Coun Blackie said: “We finally have a master plan for the work which is a huge relief.

“Residents have been beside themselves with worry over the state of the high-level roads in winter, especially those who have to get to hospital in Middlesbrough for essential treatment on a daily or weekly basis.”

Nigel Smith, area manager for North Yorkshire Highways, said: “I can confirm that three-way signals will be erected at Grinton Bank, both for the one day and 12 week closure.

“With routes for winter service, we have reviewed these routes within the local team and will enhance the official diversion route via Grinton Bank to priority one treatment.

“In addition, the road from Fremington to Marske to the A6108 will also receive enhanced priority one route treatment.”

He added that an “extremely productive” meeting has been held with all three emergency services, which will assist during the closure period.

Meetings are also due to take place with school bus operators, passenger transport, and the medical centre and community primary school in Reeth.