THE family of missing student Megan Roberts have thanked wellwishers for their support and say they’re still holding onto the hope she will be found safe and well.

Megan was reported missing a week ago today (Monday, January 27) after disappearing following a night out in York in the early hours of Thursday, January 23.

Police are working on the theory that the 20-year-old, from Wetherby, went into the swollen River Ouse after she was last seen with a group of friends near Lendal Bridge.

Her mother, Jackie Roberts expressed her thanks through a Facebook page, set up specially, called ”help find Megan Roberts.”

She said:” Thank you for all your support and kind thoughts. The police have been amazing, they are doing all they can to find her. We've been given as much information as the police can give us and all evidence does point towards this being a tragic run of events with no one to blame.

“Until we know for certain, we all have hope, but whatever the outcome we are all carrying Megan in our hearts. This is a very difficult time and, as a family we will always be thankful for everyone's love and support and caring thoughts for my beautiful daughter.”

Police today said they will continue searches along the banks of the Ouse between Millenium and Clifton bridges throughout the week.

Chief Inspector Alisdair Dey, of York Safer Neighbourhood Command, said: ”If you have any information which could help to locate Megan, I urge you to contact the police straight away.

“My officers are working closely with Megan’s family to give them the appropriate support and to keep them informed of any developments.”

Over 6,000 people have visited the Facebook site from as far away as America leaving messages of support and concern.

There’s been a huge search operation in York since Megan was reported missing, underwater teams have been in the river for the past six days and police have also been scouring the river banks for any sign of the missing youngster who is a fine art student at York St John University.

Posters of Megan have also been put up around the city by the Missing People charity.

She had left the Popworld club in George Hudson Street after drinking with a group of friends and was last seen on CCTV at 2.20am on Thursday when she was on one side of Lendal Bridge. Ten minutes later the group of friends were seen on the other side of the bridge but Megan wasn’t with them.

Anyone with information ring 101 and speak to the force Control room or call Missing People on 116000.