A CHARITY that has been tackling deprivation and social exclusion for three decades is gearing up for an exciting but challenging year.

In May, Disc in Newton Aycliffe will embark on a series of celebratory events and fundraising campaigns to mark its 30th anniversary.

And, with a new business director on board, the charity is hopeful it will grow stronger in the months ahead.

Andrew Harper joined Disc last month (January) and will focus on securing new partnerships and contracts to allow the charity to help even more people overcome problems, such as unemployment, crime, poverty, addiction, homelessness and family breakdown.

For unlike many other charities, Disc, which stands for Developing Initiatives Supporting Communities, does not carry out much fundraising.

Instead, it relies on winning contracts to deliver services for local authorities and other organisations.

These includes everything from the County Durham Drugs Service, adult gay, lesbian and bisexual transgender support and parent and family services; to housing and employment support, young peoples’ advocacy and mediation and gypsy, Roma and traveller support.

The charity’s More Time cafe and furniture scheme, meanwhile, provides volunteering opportunities, affordable household items and a friendly place to socialise.

Mr Harper, 46, who has vast experience within the charity sector, said: “My role is all about helping Disc grow. It is about building relationships, securing contracts and raising the charity’s profile.

“I hope to forge stronger links with the business community, as there are many mutually beneficial ways we can work together.”

The charity is particularly keen to secure one of 21 regional offender rehabilitation contracts that are being offered by the Ministry of Justice as part of the part-privatisation of the Probation Service.

Disc is one of five charities that make up the Northern Inclusion Consortium, which has made it through to the second stage of the tendering process.

Mike Weeding, chief of executive of Disc, said: “We are competing against major multi-million pound private sector companies but we have a wealth of experience behind us.

“Disc grew out of the Probation Service and we started out helping offenders. We feel very excited about the challenges ahead.”

Any businesses or organisations that would like to find out more about sponsorship and partnership opportunities with Disc can contact Mr Harper on andrew.harper@disc-vol.org.uk