A FAMILY is organising a series of charity events to mark the first birthday of a baby born with a hole in his heart.

Little Brooklyn Crone, from Crookhall, near Consett, in County Durham, was born with congenital heart disease, and has been cared for at the Children’s Heart Unit at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle.

To celebrate his first birthday his mother, Kayleigh Southern, 23, is organising a range of charity fundraisers to support the unit.

Ms Southern said: “The work that they do and the equipment they use costs a lot of money so they need a lot of support. It is a really good cause and they help thousands of people across the country.

“They have been really good to us. We cannot fault them.”

Ms Southern and her partner, Daniel Crone, a garage supervisor, live in Brook Cottages, with their other children; Jay, seven, Ryan, six, and three-year-old Maisie.

Ten-month-old Brooklyn underwent open heart surgery at the unit at two months old to correct an urgent heart problem but may still need a transplant.

Care assistant Ms Southern is holding a coffee morning at Brockwell Court on Cobdon Street in Consett, where she works, on February 27 from 10am.

Brooklyn’s birthday is on March 10, but a family fun day is being held on Sunday, March 9, from 12pm-4pm at Delves Lane Social Club.

There will be an auction, raffle and tombola with proceeds going towards the children’s heart unit.

Businesses in the area are donating prizes and anyone who wants to help can contact Ms Southern on 0745-080-9721, by visiting www.justgiving.com/kayleigh-southern or by searching for the Brooklyn's 1st Birthday Fundraiser For CHUF on Facebook.