TEES Valley Sport has been awarded County Sports Partnership (CSP) status after achieving a target set by Sport England to be classed as 'Fit for Purpose.'

Tyne and Wear Sport and Northumberland Sport were also presented with the award by Dame Kelly Holmes at the recent PE and School Sport conference which recognised their hard-work, dedication and success in fulfilling the criteria to meet 'Fit for Purpose' classification.

To obtain this classification, Tees Valley Sport was required to focus on organisational status and structure, concentrating on three defined core functions; strategic coordination and planning, performance management and marketing and communications all linked closely to the needs of the community.

Sport England North-East worked with Tees Valley Sport to ensure strategic co-ordination in shaping national, regional and local policies to best-fit the future community needs of Tees Valley.

Jean Lordon, executive director at Tees Valley Sport, said: "Sport England North-East has been a great support throughout the entire process, enabling us to fulfill our 'Fit for Purpose' criteria, therefore making our organisation much more effective.

The four CSP's in the North-East - Durham, Tyne and Wear, Tees Valley and Northumberland - work together to increase participation in sport and physical activity and help people achieve their potential.

Jean continues: "We work with National Governing bodies to implement a quality development program aimed particularly at young people, giving them equal access to quality coaching and club environments, allowing participation and competition at whatever level they aspire to."

Ian Gardiner, interim Regional Director at Sport England North East, said: "Staff at Tees Valley Sport were extremely determined and worked hard to gain this classification.

"Each of our County Sport Partnerships will play an important role in providing essential support in the regional effort to further improve access to sport and increase sports participation for people in the community."

Mihir Warty, Director of Policy and Performance at Sport England, said: "County Sport Partnerships should be really proud of this endorsement, which confirms their position as enterprises that drive sports participation.

"Fit for Purpose gives direction and shows that the partnerships have shown ingenuity and enthusiasm, building a platform for future success."

Tim Cantle-Jones, chairman of Sport England North-East, said: "I'm thrilled that all four of the CSP's have received the 'fit for purpose' status and this is a real testament to all of our efforts in continuing to provide access to sport for people of all ages and backgrounds, throughout the country."